Как получить сертификацию google ads

Получение сертификата google adwords

Website Optimization Certification

  • Evidence of strong white papers or blogs

  • The designing and implementation of at least 3 uniquely created website optimizer projects for 3 different clients whom are open to being contacted

  • Screenshots of current in-progress optimization tests

Additionally, you will be required to spend a few days attending Google Website Optimizer training summit, enroll in courses and pass them. You must also be able to show stand-alone services that cover multiple facets of optimization from base consultation to startup to training. One of the requirements is to also dedicate time to launching at least three different website optimization experiments in each quarter, in addition to other client work.

If you choose this route, you will be part of a small and specialized group of companies. There are less than 50 Authorized Website Optimizer Consultants being listed so there is a high chance of your company being sought out for business. Your information will be displayed on the Website Optimizer Partners’ page and along with enhanced technical support; you will also receive co-marketing and networking opportunities to further push your company to the top.

Getting a Google Ads Certification Step-by-Step

Obtaining certification isn’t a complicated process. Still, there are some nuances to follow to make the most of the experience and get the best results possible. 

The SkillsShop account

Before getting certification, you’ll need to create a Skillshop account that provides resources to learn and keep learning. Even if you decide not to go through with the certification, it’s highly recommended you at least check out the material Google provides to gain some extra knowledge.

You’ll also use this account to access the Google Ads assessments that are required to become certified as well as offering diagnostic tests and information to pass the necessary examinations.

Once you have an account, you’ll move on to choosing and taking the certification evaluation.

Choosing Google Ads Certifications

Google offers the opportunity to learn various digital marketing topics and to become certified in any of the areas that interest you. 

Below are the Google Ads certifications that you can acquire. Businesses can apply the first five categories to the Google Partner program.

  • Google Ads Display
  • Google Ads Search
  • Shopping Ads
  • Google Ads Apps
  • Google Ads Video
  • Google Ads Measurement

Each certification category requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the product, building up your digital marketing portfolio.

Preparing for the Exam

Google rewards you for learning and trying, giving you multiple chances to test and learn from your examination, free of charge. There will be no additional charges or hidden fees when getting certified. 

Google provides free resources in the SkillsShop account for users to study and learn when getting a certification. If you don’t want to use Google’s resources, there are plenty of articles online to help you better prepare and understand the certification exam. 

Taking the Exam (and Retaking it)

The test itself is challenging and will test your understanding of marketing. The certification is aimed at people with hands-on experience of the products, so the questions and skills required reflect that.

Each person is allotted 75 minutes for one of the six certification assessments. You will need an 80% or higher score to pass the assessment.

However, if you fail this test, you’ll have an opportunity to retake the test precisely one day later.

It’s important to note that disruption of the assessment, such as your battery dying or accidentally leaving the page, will mean you’ll have to wait another full day to retake the examination. 

Staying Certified

Once you pass the exam, the certification will be valid for a whole year, after which you have to retake and pass the certifications again. When your Google Ad certification expires, you can’t refer to yourself as certified even if you were certified at one point.

Staying certified also means obeying all the rules Google has put into place regarding communicating your status. They give specific information about the placement of the certification status and how to use the language they prefer. 

It’s important to note that Google Ad certification is not the same as the Google Partner Badge. Google Ad certification is unique to the individual, so people cannot claim to have Google Ad certification if they have not passed the assessment. You can’t claim certification if your partner or company member has certification but you do not.

However, the Google Partner badge is organizational-based, so companies can become Google Partners through the Google partner program, display a Google Partner badge, and promote themselves as having this Google Partner status.

Что такое сертификация в Google Ads

Сертификация в Google Ads — это подтверждение высокого уровня знаний по конкретному направлению контекстной рекламы. Тестирование проводится в онлайне. Если специалист успешно справляется со всеми заданиями, он получает именной сертификат.

Для чего необходима сертификация физическим лицам:

  • электронный документ поможет при устройстве на работу. Работодатели запрашивают сертификат от Google;
  • для привлечения клиентов. С сертификатом фрилансеры подтвердят свою компетентность в глазах потенциальных заказчиков;
  • проверить собственные знания. Чтобы быть высококлассным специалистом, необходимо следить за трендами. В современное время тенденции постоянно меняются, поэтому тестирование — это хороший способ понять, насколько специалист «в теме».

Почему сертификация полезна агентствам и работодателям:

  • для получения статуса партнера Google. Когда в организации работает минимум один сертифицированный сотрудник, то компания становится партнером Google;
  • для проверки уровня знаний. В крупной и успешной компании должны работать исключительно профессионалы. При приеме на работу логично потребовать сертификат, чтобы оценить уровень компетентности потенциального работника.

Имеющиеся сотрудники обязаны регулярно проходить тестирование и обновлять сертификаты.

Надежные аккаунты для Google Ads у нас в разделе Аккаунты. Дешевые, проверенные и качественные варианты.

Сертификация по проведению кампаний для приложений

Кампании для приложений позволяют охватить пользователей практически везде: на поиске, в контекстно-медийной сети, YouTube и Google Play. Пройти сертификацию кампаний для приложений рекомендуется  тем специалистам, которые нацелены на эффективное продвижение бизнеса. Что нужно для успешного прохождения экзамена:

Митап для топов индустрии на Бали — выступление спикеров, фуршет, бар, нетворкинг

  • на основе поставленных целей создавать кампании для приложений;
  • уметь работать с приложениями: разбираться с оптимизацией, повышать качество софта;
  • понимать стратегию развития компании.

Тестирование состоит из 49 вопросов. На экзамен отводится 75 минут.

Перед началом тестирования специалисты советуют изучить дополнительные материалы. Подойдут курсы по запускам кампаний для приложений и по развитию бизнеса с помощью приложений.

Особенность теста

Сертификат получает работник, который выполнил по теме 2 теста. Первый тест обязателен для каждого в одной теме — Google-Реклама. Это базовый тест, без углубления в тему. Следующий тест работник самостоятельно подбирает сам в зависимости от специфики работы.

Общее количество вопросов – 65. Время, которое даётся на тест – 90 минут. На каждый вопрос предлагается 4 альтернативных ответов, в некоторых случая верны несколько вариантов ответа. Если человек набрал 80 процентов из 100 за весь тест, тест считается выполненным.

Иногда попадаются похожие вопросы, поэтому стоит внимательно и до конца прочитать вопрос, а позже просмотреть ответы. Заменить первоначальный ответ невозможно. Профессионалы уверяют, что сотрудник с квалификацией и постоянной работой в Гугл по контексту выполняет тест за полчаса.

После первого теста сразу предлагают выбрать второй тест по выбранной специализации. Каждый экзамен также проходится успешно в случае выполнения 80 процентов, но некоторые отличаются по времени. Большинство выполняется за 1,5 часа, а некоторые за 2 часа.

В отличии от Яндекса, в котором несколько модулей и по каждому нужно набрать не меньше 80 процентов, в Гугл человек проходит по 80 процентам за весь экзамен. Это намного проще для работника, но не снижает профессионализм.

После теста человек сразу получает процентное содержание правильных ответов. В случае не сдачи теста возможно повторное завершение экзамена. Далее сайт направляет на ссылку с сертификатом и поздравлением при успешном завершении теста.

Ссылка на сертификат дублируется и распечатывается. Экзамен действителен один год, дальше нужно заново проходить тест для подтверждения профессионализма. Любой специалист сферы диджитал может пройти разные тесты, представленные в Гугл.

Компани «Веб Фокус» предлагает семинар, который подробно расскажет про тест. Сертификация Google – это возможность получить подтверждение профессионализма фрилансера или сотрудника агентства.

Агентство несколько лет организовывает профессиональные курсы и семинары. Курсы предназначены для обучения с нуля или более продвинутые варианты. Семинары – разовые лекции для рассмотрения последних новостей сферы диджитал, краткий обзор и сбор компетентных коллег.

Тесты помогают:

  • Узнать заказчику о квалификации работника.
  • Получить партнёрство от поисковой системы.
  • Подтверждение работоспособности перед работодателем.
  • Усиление профессионализма агентства.
  • Самостоятельная проверка знаний.

Сертификация Гугл предназначена для проверки работы, а семинары «Веб Фокус» с профессиональными работниками расскажет, зачем проходить тест, чем отличает от теста в Яндексе и что даёт сертификат работнику в будущем.

Avoid False Certifications

Because certifications are fairly easy to manufacture without being vetted for accuracy or legitimacy, having a Google certification helps establish you (and your business) as genuine. There are some who claim to have an SEO certification from Google. Google does not offer SEO certifications. Rather than display false claims that appeal to being authorized (i.e., Google-approved SEO), you can instead display accurate and honest certifications. Misusing the Google brand and logos can also be grounds for legal action. The Google name, being some commonly recognized, is a great addition to your arsenal and can help make your pitches stronger and generate more business, in leads and sales.

Take the Exams

The process of becoming Google certified is outlined, and results are available with a quick search.  After a slight remodeling, Google now offers 3 types of test for a flat rate of $10. The tests are timed, and failing puts a waiting period on your account before you can try to retake them. Now headlined Google Partners, the three main areas of examination are Advanced Search, Advanced Display, and Advertising Fundamentals. There are other examinations for shopping, video and mobile advertising. Fundamentals are mandatory for certification while you can decide on the other area, as passing two will get your certification.

Passing enables two things—you can highlight your achievement to web users via a shareable link, and you can also print a hardcopy of your achievement. Before jumping into the exams, however, Google recommends completing the fundamentals course. This course is designed to give you a back-to-basics approach that will educate you on terms and the general overview of how AdWords operates. Following the completion of the course, there is a practice section to unlock before you can take the certification exams.

Что такое карьерные сертификаты Google и как их получить?

Карьерные сертификаты Google — это профессиональные сертификаты для должностей начального уровня, созданные сотрудниками Google. В программу включено пять сертификатов. Каждый сертификат состоит из серии онлайн-курсов, которые подготовят вас к работе в сфере ИТ-поддержки, дизайна UX, компьютер программирование, анализ данных или управление проектами. Эта программа уникальна тем, что для прохождения уроков не требуется никакого предварительного опыта или знаний. Они предназначены для помощи людям в изучении основ и получении должности начального уровня.

Сертификаты Google Career являются частью программы обучения Google, которая включает в себя несколько других сертификатов Google в различных отраслях и специализациях. Онлайн-курсы Google с сертификатами помогут вам освоить новые навыки и продвинуться по карьерной лестнице. Мы просмотрели все программы Google, чтобы найти самые ценные сертификаты Google. Собственные учебные платформы Google и сторонние поставщики предлагают множество бесплатных и платных сертификационных курсов. Его миссия состоит в том, чтобы помочь людям в развитии навыков, готовых к работе, чтобы начать карьеру в технологической отрасли.

How to get Google Ads certified

To get Google Ads certified and remain certified, there are five steps you need to take. Fortunately, Google Ads certifications do not cost any money, should only take a few hours per certification, and are supported in 22 languages. 

Step 1: Create a Skillshop account 

The first step toward getting Google Ads certified is to create a Skillshop account if you do not already have one. Skillshop is a Google training platform that you can use to grow your skills on Google’s tools and solutions. The Google Ads certifications are housed within Skillshop, so to take the necessary exams to receive your certification you must have a Skillshop account. 

While you are there, make sure to also check out other useful Skillshop courses that you may find highly useful to you in your career or that you might merely be interested in personally, such as courses on Google Analytics, YouTube, and Applied Digital Skills. 

Step 2: Choose a Google Ads certification 

There are six different types of Google Ads certification currently available. Each of these six certifications covers different aspects of Google Ads and is paired with short training courses about the given Google Ads topic. 

The six Google Ads certifications available are:

  1. Google Ads Search certification
  2. Google Ads Display certification
  3. Google Ads Video certification
  4. Shopping Ads certification
  5. Google Ads Apps certification
  6. Google Ads Measurement certification

Google Ads Search certification

The first type of Google Ads certification is the Google Ads Search certification, which Google summarizes as, “demonstrate your mastery of building and optimizing Google Search campaigns.”

Google Ads Display certification

The second type of Google Ads certification is the Google Ads Display certification, which Google summarizes as, “validate your expertise using Google Display to deliver results that get the most from your display advertising investment.”

Google Ads Video certification

The third type of Google Ads certification is the Google Ads Video certification, which Google summarizes as, “showcase your ability to get results from YouTube and Google Video advertising solutions.”

Shopping Ads certification

The fourth type of Google Ads certification is the Shopping Ads certification, which Google summarizes as, “validate your proficiency with using and optimizing Shopping ads.”

Google Ads Apps certification

The fifth type of Google Ads certification is the Google Ads Apps certification, which Google summarizes as, “demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact.”

Google Ads Measurement certification

The sixth type of Google Ads certification is the Google Ads Measurement certification, which Google summarizes as, “demonstrate your ability to measure and optimize digital ad performance using Google’s measurement solutions.”

Step 3: Prepare for the Google Ads certification exam

Once you have chosen which Google Ads certification to pursue, it is time to start preparing for the exam. There are a couple of ways to go about doing this. The first method is by using the exam study courses provided by Google on the Skillshop page for each exam. These study courses are short refreshers on topics that will be covered in the exam and are ideally used by individuals with some knowledge of the ideas found in the Google Ads certification exams and take approximately between one to four hours to complete per exam. 

If you would prefer a more in-depth way of expanding your knowledge, as well as additional practical strategic applications for those skills, there are courses available that will provide this for you. There are Google Ads courses available designed to prepare you for the Google Ads Search Certification, Google Ads Display Certification, and Google Ads Measurement Certification exams. 

Step 4: Take and pass the Google Ads certification exam

Once you feel adequately prepared for the certification exam, it is time to take the test. 

Here are some important details to know about the exams:

  • A score of 80% or higher is required to pass the exam.
  • You will have a 75-minute time limit to take the exam.
  • If you do not pass the exam, you may take it one day later.
  • You cannot pause the timer for any reason once it has started.
  • If you leave the exam for any reason the timer automatically expires, and you will have to wait at least one day to retake it. 

Once you have passed the exam with a score of 80% or higher, you are now Google Ads certified! 

After receiving your Google ads certification upon passing the certification exam with a score of 80% or higher, your certification is valid for one year. To renew your certification, you will simply need to retake the certification exam and pass with a score of 80% or higher again. 

What Is the Google Ads Certification?

The Google Ads certification is a professional accreditation offered by Google. Those who receive it must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in their understanding of Google Ads.

According to Google:

The certification is available through Skillshop, Google’s online training, and certification program.

There are six assessments available, each with corresponding courses and study materials from Google.

Google Ads Display Certification:

This assessment tests your ability to create an advertising strategy for the Google Display network, including using Google Display to generate brand awareness, increase customer retention, and reach new and existing customers.

Google Ads Search Certification:

This test examines how well you can create Google Search campaigns and optimize them for conversions or other metrics based on your goals. It tests your use of Google Ad tools, like Smart Bidding and Audience Solutions.

Google Ads Measurement Certification:

In this test, you’ll demonstrate how well you can use Google Analytics to monitor campaigns and track performance metrics such as sales, app downloads, and lead generation.

Google Ads Video Certification:

This assessment tests your ability to create and optimize video ad campaigns for YouTube and Google Video.

Shopping Ads Certification:

This exam tests your knowledge of successful Google Shopping ad campaigns, including demonstrating skill with Showcase Shopping ads and Smart Shopping campaigns.

Google Ads Apps Certification:

This assessment tests your ability to create, optimize, and analyze Google App ad campaigns.

There’s something else you need to know.

You have 75 minutes to complete each exam.

The exams range from 46 to 50 questions each.

You have to score 80% or higher to pass most of the exams.

The one exception is the Google Ads Apps certification exam, which only requires a 70% to pass.

What if you fail the test?

You have to wait a full day before you can take it again.

The best part?

The assessments are all completely free.

Once you pass your exam, your Google Ads Certification is valid for a full year. At that point, you’ll need to take the test again to keep your hard-earned certified badge.

Now that you’re familiar with the certification, it’s time to prepare to ace the test!

Сколько стоит карьерный сертификат Google?

Сертификация Цена Длительность
Сертификат специалиста службы технической поддержки Google $234 Шесть месяцев
Сертификат Google UX Design Professional $156 4 месяцев
Google IT Automation с сертификатом Python Professional $156 Четыре месяца
Сертификат Google Data Analytics Professional $312 Восемь месяцев
Сертификат специалиста по управлению проектами Google $156 Четыре месяца

Это будет стоить вам меньше, если вы закончите сертификат быстрее, чем приведенные выше оценки, но по опыту это будет слишком сложно. В каждом курсе есть много материала для изучения, и вам нужно будет выделить достаточно времени, чтобы тщательно просмотреть все уроки и экзамены. Инициатива социальных финансов Google обеспечивает финансирование. Вы можете подать заявку на финансирование и пройти обучение бесплатно. Только если вы устроитесь на работу с минимальной зарплатой 40 тысяч долларов в год, вы сможете погашать стоимость сертификата небольшими ежемесячными платежами.

How to stay certified

Your Google Ads certification will remain valid until the product area certification expires. The certifications are valid for 1 year. You’ll need to retake and pass the certification assessment in the respective product area to renew your certification.

Guidelines for communicating your certification status

Your Google Ads certification demonstrate that you’re a certified online advertising professional. Here’s what you can say to current and prospective clients about this recognition:

  • Your Google Ads certification recognizes that you’re a certified online advertising professional.
  • You received this accreditation after successfully passing the Google Ads certification assessment administered by Skillshop.


Here’s an example of what you can say about your certification status:

“Google has recognized me as a Google Ads certified professional, meaning that I’ve passed multiple assessments that assess my product expertise. I’m qualified to help you grow your business on the web using Google Ads.”

Here are some additional guidelines about communicating your certification:

  • You may only refer to yourself as certified if you, personally, have passed the certification assessments. It’s not enough for a co-worker to be certified or for your agency to be badged.
  • You can refer to yourself as “certified” as long as your certification remains in effect. After the expiration date, you won’t be able to refer to yourself as “certified” until you pass the assessments again.
  • You’re allowed to mention your certification on your resume, business cards, LinkedIn profile, and other social media profiles. Keep in mind that Google Partners logos can only be used in accordance with our usage guidelines.

How to get started?

You will first need to signup for Google Skillshop to take the available exams.

  1. Sign in to Google Skillshop.
  2. Next, select your company name. If you add the company name, you can see reports on your learning progress and view your earned achievements and certifications.
  3. Select your timezone.
  4. Select your language. The language you choose here will be used to filter the learning content and assessments that are localized in your language.
  5. Select whether you want to get emails from Google Skillshop. Choosing yes is advisable as you will be getting updates about new features.
  6. Click Save.

You are now ready to prepare and take the AdWords certification exams.

What Is Google Ads Certification?

Google Ads certification is a process by which Google recognizes marketers as experts in online advertising.

After passing Ads certification exams, individuals get a personalized certificate and – if affiliated with a company – can contribute to the company’s Google Partner credentials.

Like many Google products, properties, and initiatives, the program has evolved over the years.

The certification program was standalone and had a cost attached to taking exams.

That changed with the creation of the Google Partners program and has further evolved with the migration to the Google Academy for Ads in 2018 and, more recently, a rebrand to Skillshop.

Individual certification still works the same way it has for the past several years with training content and exams.

Over the years, the certification has become a minimum or expected requirement for entry-level search marketing roles for agencies and corporations.

Even when I hire someone who will go through our training program, I know that they are willing to invest time and see the importance of taking the step of getting certified is crucial.

Having that base level of subject matter exposure from Google is much more specific than what a school textbook can provide on how Google Ads works.

On top of that, there’s value in being able to affiliate with an individual who is already certified with my agency’s Google Partner account.

This step-by-step guide provides a walkthrough of how to get Ads certified, as it can be a confusing process when doing it for the first time or when coming back only annually or occasionally for recertification.

How Do You Make Money with Google Ads Certification?

Google has a way for you to make money if you have a website, a blog, or any other kind of online presence. It’s called Google AdSense, and it’s a program that aims to make everyone a financial winner. Advertisers gain new clients or sales through the AdWords program, Google makes money serving those ads, and you make money when people click on them.

Google will serve ads relevant to the content of a web page using internet search technology. For example, if you’re on a page about the latest golf tournament, Google will show you ads for golf clubs or golfing attire. Every time someone clicks on one of those ads, you get paid if you own that site. This is however called Cost per click (CPC) in advertising.

Its Operation

If your blog or website currently receives 100,000 monthly visitors, that’s more than 1 million visitors per year. Consider the following implications for ad revenue:

  • You’ve racked up 100,000 ad views (views).
  • You have a standard click-through rate (CTR) of 1%.
  • One-hundredth of a percent of a million equals one thousand.
  • You will earn $10 if the CPC of the ad is $0.01.
  • You will earn $1,000 if the CPC of the ad is $1.00.

The two are vastly different, and most ads do not payout at the $1/click rate. You’re more likely to find a rate in the middle, which can add up to hundreds of dollars per month. The lower the CPC, the more obvious and widespread the ad’s keyword, which is what initiates the ad, is—and this is useful information.

Income Optimisation

There are various ways to improve your revenue, whether you want to make money from an existing blog or website, or you want to start a blog solely for the purpose of earning AdSense money:To optimize the keywords in your text, use search engine optimization (SEO) authoring techniques. Below are some of the things you should take note of:

  • The more you write about your topic, the more keywords Google will find and use to serve ads.
  • Regularly write; It’s all about having more stuff, and the more recent it is, the better.
  • Create material that is both valuable and accurate. It’s difficult to read rubbish that’s full of keywords, and it doesn’t entice visitors to return. Your website should be sticky in order to attract visitors.
  • Choose a specialized area. It’s fine to talk about football, but tens of thousands of people do. Another narrative concerns a less well-known issue, such as movie soundtrack collections.
  • Avoid generating excessively bad traffic. It’s easier than you think to generate a lot of traffic, but if the traffic isn’t qualified and people aren’t there to read your material, it’ll be a waste of time. Your CTR is also affected.
  • Use Google Analytics to track your website’s performance. Google provides free tools to help you evaluate your website and determine whether or not it is profitable.


All e-learning courses given by Google product specialists can be found at Google Skillshop. This is where you’ll go to get Google Ads, Google Ad Manager, and Analytics Academy certifications.

While passing the exam without knowing many of the fundamentals is conceivable, you will do yourself harm in the long term. Treat the exam as a way to improve your knowledge, which will help you in your job interview and throughout your career. You don’t need to be an expert on Google Ads because real-world experience can aid your learning. However, the information you gather while studying for this exam will offer you an advantage. For more useful tips Contact us.

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How to Get Google Ads Certified?

Are you worried that the process of how to become Google Ad certified is unnecessarily complicated and long? Far from it! In fact, in this section, we’ll show you that the process is actually quite easy.

Of course, if you’re a beginner, please take into account that you first need to learn how to use Google Ads before getting Google Ad certified. However, if you’re already using Google Ads on a regular basis, then you can simply follow the steps we’ve described below:

1. Sign Up to Google Skillshop

This is important not just for the sake of having everything related to Google Ads linked to one account, but it’s also important for helping your agency joining the Google Partners program.

2. Choose a Google Ads Certification

There are 10 available Google Ads certifications on Skillshop, each one assessing a different ability when it comes to paid advertising. You’re free to do all of them, if you want to become as comprehensive a Google Ads marketer as possible, but most will simply apply for a handful of certifications that only apply to their specializations.

An example of the offered Google Ads certifications

Familiarize yourself with the available certifications and pick the ones that resonate most with you. Once you’ve chosen the ones that you prefer, you can go on to step 3.

3. Prepare For the Assessment 

Just like another exam that you’ve ever taken in your life, you will need to study for the Google Ads assessment. There is plenty of material on the Skillshop website that will help you study for the certification exam. Unless you know the Google Ads platform like the back of your hand, it’s our recommendation that you go through the provided lessons.

4. Pass the Test & Become Google Ads Certified

If you were a good student and you studied hard for your exam, then you should easily pass with flying colors. Condescending teacherly tone aside, if you manage to pass the assessment, you’ve been granted your Google Ads certification. Congratulations!

It’s a good practice, however, to download your Google AdWords certification so that you can have proof that you’re a Google certified ads specialist. Moreover, you should also consider showing off your certification as much as you can. Speaking of which…

5. Display Your Badge

As a marketer, you should also take steps in order to market yourself and your skills. One of these ways is displaying your Google Ads certificate badge on your LinkedIn profile. Moreover, you ought to also consider turning your Google profile public in order for others to be able to find you and confirm that you’re certified in Google Ads.

An example of the Google Ads certification badge

6. Renew Your Certification

Google Ads certificates are only valid for a year from when you first receive them. Unless you wish to stop being certified by Google Ads, it’s a good idea to renew your certificate every year in order to keep yourself up-to-date with any changes to the platform as well as to keep receiving the benefits of having the certificate.

Сдача экзамена Google AdWords (Ads): вопросы и ответы

На прохождение тестирования даётся полтора часа. За это время вам нужно будет дать ответы на 65 вопросов. Тест считается успешно сданным, если вы наберёте от 80% правильных ответов и более. Отсчёт времени начнётся, как только вы кликните по кнопке «Запустить».

Практически у всех вопросов на экзамене четыре варианта ответов. При этом верным может быть как один вариант, так и несколько.

В тесте встречаются схожие вопросы, но со слегка изменёнными данными. Старайтесь вдумчиво читать вопросы и варианты ответов, чтобы не запутаться и ответить верно. В ходе тестирования вы не сможете возвращаться к предыдущим вопросам и менять на них ответы.

Не бойтесь, что времени не хватит — если вы внимательно изучили теоретический курс по основам AdWords и располагаете достаточным практическим опытом в настройке рекламы, на прохождение экзамена у вас уйдёт не больше 30–40 минут.

По завершении тестирования вы узнаете количество правильных ответов. Если их больше 80%, то экзамен считается успешно сданным.

Если во время тестирования вы дали менее 80%, тест придётся пересдавать. Повторить попытку можно через сутки. Пересдача понадобится, если вы случайно закроете вкладку с тестом, или интернет-соединение по каким-либо причинам будет прервано.

Помимо экзамена по основам Google AdWords, придётся пройти тестирование по дополнительной специализации. У каждого направления единый проходной балл — от 80% и более, — но разные временные лимиты.

Перед сдачей экзамена по дополнительной специализации внимательно изучите руководства.

Информация обо всех пройдённых или начатых тестированиях и изучении материалов будет отображаться в журнале вашего аккаунта в Академии Рекламы.


После того, как вы выбрали область своей программы, вы обычно можете начать посещать курсы, но для сдачи экзамена вам понадобится тестовый аккаунт Google. Некоторые сертификаты требуют экзамена, который вы должны периодически сдавать, чтобы быть в курсе ваших сертификатов.

В начале 2015 года Google переупаковала свои программные продукты в Google для работы а также Google для образования. Вы можете стать партнером Google в компании или в качестве специалиста по образованию и быть включены в список рефералов партнеров или инструкторов Google, чтобы потенциальные клиенты могли вас найти.

Сертификация на уровне партнеров в Google для работы требует подтверждения того, что ваша компания обладает опытом в определенной области программного обеспечения Google. Для партнерства Google Analytics ваша компания должна представить клиентские исследования — и еще: один успешный заявитель описывает 90-минутное телефонное интервью.


Получение карьерной сертификации Google — отличный вариант для людей, у которых нет диплома колледжа, но которые хотят начать карьеру в отраслях, требующих диплома колледжа. Карьерная сертификация не заменяет степень, но дает вам возможность получить работу начального уровня, получать хорошую заработную плату, а затем продолжить свое образование или продвигаться по карьерной лестнице, приобретая реальный опыт. Сертификаты цифрового маркетинга являются альтернативой карьерным сертификатам Google.

Цифровой маркетинг — это нетехнический навык, который можно освоить как со степенью, так и без нее. Это также популярный выбор карьеры, с более высоким спросом и оплатой, чем работа, связанная с ИТ. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы о Google Career Certifications, оставьте комментарий ниже. Мы просмотрели все сертификаты и курсы и будем рады ответить на любые ваши вопросы.

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